Tuesday, September 4 – Prayers of the People by Phil Hooper

Awake in the light of faith, let us offer prayers to the God of our salvation, responding to “Lord in your mercy” with “hear our prayer”.

Guide your beloved children, Lord, the Church that seeks your brilliance.  Walk with us through the shadowlands of your creation and let our lives be a beacon for others.  Bless your ministers with intuition to feel what they cannot see clearly, and the courage to face those things that are all too clear.

Lord, in your mercy,

Hear our prayer.

Guide this land, Lord, and those who have been entrusted with its stewardship.  Let us never confuse building community with being exclusive; let us never forfeit the sacred bonds of civic duty, woven in love and protest, in exchange for a complacent nationalism held together by fear and illuminated by the flickering lights of false prophets.

Lord, in your mercy,

Hear our prayer .

Let the world, in all of its vast need and promise, be more than just a dream to us, Lord.  Awaken us to the interconnectedness of your creation, and the comfort and responsibility inherent in that connection.  Help us find sustenance in common experiences, and challenge us to encounter those whom we cannot fully comprehend.  Help us find Christ in both places.

Lord, in your mercy,

Hear our prayer.

Bless this community, Lord, as it begins another academic year.  Help us to see the potential of living and studying alongside one another, and help us also to remember how fleeting our time together will be.  In this new season at CDSP, Lord, give us thankful hearts for all that is to come, and for the particular work  you have called each of us to do.

Lord in your mercy,

Hear our prayer.

For some, Lord, night is at hand.  Fear, pain, illness, weariness—these are the companions that wait along the roads we fear to tread.  Lord, we ask for your consolation for our brothers and sisters who traverse these desolate territories, knowing that you are with them always.  We pray especially for ________ and those whom we now name.

Lord in your mercy,

Hear our prayer.

For others, Lord, who have departed this life, the dawn of your heavenly kingdom casts its radiance.  We turn our hearts toward them, and toward the eternal joy that you have promised us in Christ.  We remember especially your servant Gregorio Aglipay, founder of the Philippine Independent Church, ___________ and those whom we now name.

Lord in your mercy,

Hear our prayer.

Tripp sermon 9.5
“To proclaim, to work for, to act upon God’s reconciling work is to step into all the conflict and chaos that humanity can dish out…and love.” – the Rev. Tripp Hudgins
Prayers published with permission by the author.

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